Outer Dunes Brewing is an oasis located in the Porters Neck area of Wilmington. Adjacent to Market Street, but tucked away in the oaks, Outer Dunes is home to a huge outdoor Beer Garden, a rustic Tap House and a private indoor Event Venue. Expanding from a 1 barrel pilot system, they completed construction on a 2,400 square foot production facility for their 10 barrel Premier Stainless brewhouse in early 2023. In addition to a wide variety of craft beers brewed on site, you will find guest offerings of mixed cocktails, wine, cider and seltzers.
Monday 2/17
Open 12-9
$1 Off Pints
50% Off Growler Fills
$4 Kook Out Kolsch
$5 Loud Toys IPA
$8 Sol Brew Stout
Tuesday 2/18
$1 Off Cans
Walk & Run Club at 6
Wednesday 2/19
Wheelz Pizza 5:30 - 7:30
$1 OFF Wine + 50% Select Bottle
Music Bingo at 7
Theme: Golden Oldies
Thursday 2/20
Trivia at 7
Theme: Video Games
Food Truck - Coastal Cay Tacos 5-8
Barrels, Bottle & Brews Meet Up
from 5-8 in the Garden
Friday 2/21
Four Pack Fridays $4 OFF
Food Truck: Wheelz Pizza 5-9
Live Music by Doug McFarland 6-9
Saturday 2/22
Food Truck: Birrieria La Rostia 5-8​
Live Music by Dave Komorowski 6-9
Sunday 2/23
$4 Korbel Mimosas
$4 Intracoastal Blonde Ales​
$4 Kook Out Kolsch
Monday 2/24
$1 Off Pints
50% Off Growler Fills
Tuesday 2/25
$1 Off Cans
Walk & Run Club at 6
Wednesday 2/26
Wheelz Pizza 5:30-7:30
$1 OFF Wine + 50% Select Bottle
Music Bingo at 7
Theme: TBD
Thursday 2/27
Trivia at 7
Food Truck - Lobster Dogs 5-8
Friday 2/28
Four Pack Fridays $4 OFF
Food Truck: Wheelz Pizza 5-9
Live Music by Brandon Hawkins 6-9
Saturday 3/1
Mardi Gras fun starts at 5
Food Truck: Lynne's Concessions 5-8​
Free Beads & Prizes for Best Dressed
Sunday 2/23
$4 Korbel Mimosas
$4 Intracoastal Blonde Ales​
$4 Kook Out Kolsch
Outside food is always welcome